Lose Weight by Eating Healthy - a book by Heinrich Beutler | |
Introducing Lose Weight by Eating Healthy: Or How to Get Rid of Your Health Problems and Excess Weight Through Conscious Eating - a book by Heinrich Beutler This is not a diet book or a medical guide. Rather, the author shows you ways to live healthier by changing your eating habits and get to your ideal weight all by yourself. As a trained hospitality professional, Heinrich has naturally been involved with food and its properties for over forty years. But he has to admit that there has been some negligence on his part when it comes to healthy and sustainable eating. It wasn't until he began to experience increasing health problems due to his obesity that he began to take a serious look at the causes of poor nutrition. These efforts were ultimately crowned with success and so he will now share with you his strategy of healthier eating. The more advice in his book you take to heart, the faster you will see results. So let's go and: STAY ON THE PATH! Lose Weight by Eating Healthy is available on Amazon. Discover More and Secure Your Copy Today! https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B0C2SG4SDM/ref=sr_1_19?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=2G9YM0PPBH8LU&keywords=heinrich+Beutler&qid=1696041691&sprefix=heinrich+beutle%2Caps%2C349&sr=8-19 | |
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